Dagger Polish

Polished Dagger Featured Image for the Medieval Reenactment and Living History Resource The Turnip of Terror

I bought a dagger from Bohemond a while back, which is no longer listed in his store. It’s a nice rondel style blade, unsharpened. It doesn’t have that round point that you’d need for harness fighting, which I prefer. Because it has the actual shape of a rondel instead of the blunted off tip, but has nothing even resembling an edge anywhere, it’s a safe demo tool that can be shared with kids or unintelligent-adults without too much worry of grievous bodily harm.

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Polishing Experiment

Polishing elbow cop mirror for the Medieval Reenactment and Living History Resource The Turnip of Terror

On the Armour Archive forums, on armoring blogs, in armor care articles and videos there’s a lot of talk about metal armor maintenance, polishing, and metal surface conditioning. When it comes to getting a finish on armor there’s discussions that range from period techniques with pumice or sand and olive oil, to modern abrasive practices.  Continue reading “Polishing Experiment”